Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Dear Diary...

I'm not sure if I'm doing this properly... but anyway...

ALL YOU GIRLIES AND LADIES OUT THERE...think! Have you had your latest cervical smear test? It could save your life.

Over at Lauren Loves... http://laurensloves.blogspot.com/ the lovely Lauren is doing a fantastic 5 day blog in aid of raising awareness for Cervical Cancer, and she's also holding a competition to win some fab prizes.

If you haven't already signed up to be her follower, do it today. And don't forget to book your smear test too!

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Welcome to Queen Alkie's Blog

Thanks for stopping by to Queen Alkie's blog...I'm all very new to the world of Blogging, but I hope you all enjoy whatever weird and wacky wonders I may bring to your day...

I am Queen of the Alkies... this pretty much means that I collect people to be in my 'Group' (note...this is not a sect!) these are people whom I give Alkie names to.

Go along to http://alkies.wetpaint.com/